Tuesday, 3 June 2014


Yesterday, I think I finished the final testers. Having completed some prints (screen), I worked with iron on transfers, sticker paper and made some mock up keyrings.

The iron-on transfer blew me away - I was so impressed! The only problem was some mysterious fluff that we could not find where it came from.
It was very clean and clear and AMAZING quality!

The sticker paper was fine, but it wasn't glossy so it didn't look great. I will get them printed professionally, I think.

The screen prints went well, too, although none of them looked how I wanted them too.

The keyrings were the biggest disappointment, so I need to work round another way to create them other than the way I had planned.

I need to buy more t-shirts, print more designs on them, print out and cut out stickers, do my final print posters and figure out a way to make keyrings - and then make them.

Wednesday, 7 May 2014

FMP Week 8

Oh dear, I've been pretty terrible with this blog.
Anyway, this is how things are going;


Ah, this is taking quite a while. I've done a lot of designs -- but still nothing has clicked yet. I'm not even sure if I'm making any progress. Really starting to sweat, now.


I've been devoting most of my time to my logo, so I've kept my outcomes to home. As a result it's going slowly but we're nearly there, I think. My badges are almost ready to go, with final selection and assembly all that's left. I have three t-shirt designs ready, with another three on the go still. I have two methods of printing those, and the same goes for tote bags. Keyrings are going okay, everything is ordered but hasn't yet arrived. Only one design for those has actually been finished, though. Once the logo is done I will do my packaging, business cards and website.


Here's a list of everything I plan to experiment with, everything bolded has been done:

Chinese brush
Dip pen Ink
Digital media
Lino Print
Screen Print

Tuesday, 1 April 2014

FMP Day 13

Today was my worst day yet. Feeling unwell and incredibly unmotivated, with enrichment activies to attend, I barely got any work done. I have been working from home though and will continue to do so this evening to balance out how bad this day has been! I only got two pages of thumbnails done, two pages of annotation for finals and a tutorial. In the tutorial we discussed changing the logo as one tutor likes it and one tutor does not.

Tomorrow, I intend to:

  • Start getting ready to print things (getting equipment etc)
  • Ask other tutors about my logo
  • Have another ice-cream girl finished (or at least on the way)
  • Finish research entirely 
  • Start finalizing outcomes for shirts and badges
  • Enrichments

Friday, 28 March 2014

FMP Day 12

Today was another slow day. I finished off my icecream girl illustration, and I'm head-over-heels for it. I will definitely put it towards my final pieces, she'll definitely be a sticker and if she's big enough, a shirt, too. Maybe even a big badge.

Other than that I experimented with the heat press!
Next lesson, I intend to:

  • Start woodblock processes
  • Finish research for good
  • Finish more badge and sticker illustrations

Wednesday, 26 March 2014

FMP Day 11

Today I started doing digital versions of my badge and sticker designs! It's super exciting to see things starting to form!
I also started to ready myself for more lino work. I also did a few pages of research. All in all, it was an okay day! Next lesson, I plan to:

  • Finish a sticker design and start another, for a total of at least three once complete
  • Finish badges (or try to)
  • Work on my lino

Tuesday, 25 March 2014

FMP Day 10

Today I started a lino cut of my logo. And I'm not happy about it. I hate lino. Other than that, I did a bit more research. I'm starting to worry about my work load. I really suck at printing, and I have so much to do...
Oh dear.
For next lesson, I intend to do the following;

  • Finish my lino cut
  • Experiment with the printing
  • Design an ukiyo-e outcome
  • Finalize research

Today was a really slow day, so I want to pick up the pace and do a solid day tomorrow!

Friday, 21 March 2014

FMP Day 9

Today I spoke with my tutor and she changed how I'm going to approach my work, so I booked a ton of books out of the library, and I've started to research into Woodblock stuff, so I feel that I'm going a little backwards. I also researched into several fashion inspirations (Kyary, Minori, Seto) and Yokai, Japanese monsters. Next I will:

  • Research more into woodblocks
  • Research into two more artists 
  • Research into Western woodcuts
  • Research into modern Japanese graphics

FMP Day 8

Tuesday, 18 March 2014

FMP Day 7

Today I started heavily focusing on shirt designs! It took all day because I only wanted to churn out the best designs I could. I also finished a ref for Betsy and got some feedback on my work! Tomorrow I will:

  • Continue with shirt designs
  • Start finishing them up
  • Start graphicing the badges/stickers
  • Look at resin vs. thermoplastics

Friday, 14 March 2014

FMP Day 6

Today was probably my worst day yet. I worked a lot on Page Turner, and submitted that, so I didn't have much time to do anything else. I did some digital versions of my mascots (in alternative outfits) for a clearer reference as the pencil was a bit messy, but I didn't want to repeat the page entirely. I also made a start on my business cards!
Next week I plan to:

  • Finish sticker designs
  • Start badge outcomes
  • Continue business cards
  • Start shirt designs 
  • Start sticker illustrations 
So next week will be a busy, busy week!

Wednesday, 12 March 2014

FMP Day 5

Today I finally finished my lego!! Whew! I also did some more research and sketches. It feels like I haven't done much when I write it down, but I'm on 48 sides at the moment, woah!
My goals for Friday are to:

  • start final badges
  • continue with sketches for the stickers
  • start designs for shirts

Tuesday, 11 March 2014

FMP Day 4

Today I got feedback on my logos and started to improve them, but I could not finish them due to the lack of computer access. So I started my badge thumbnails and chose my finals, so they're all ready to do the illustrations for. After this, I started some thumbnails for my stickers. I still need to research the following points;

  • Monster girls
  • Bones (live drawing)
  • Different types of logo
I think I'm making good progress as I am very ahead of schedule. I am very nervous though that my logo isn't done yet! I'll try and finish it tomorrow.

Friday, 7 March 2014

FMP Day 3

Today went a little slower than the others, however I did get my mascot designs done, started on my final logos and I arranged everything in my folder. The reason today went so slowly is because it's much slower to create outcomes than it is to write research! Hopefully I'll get back to my usual pace next week.

Wednesday, 5 March 2014

FMP Day 2

Today I did a lot of extra research, chose a name and started my logo thumbnails, so hopefully my logo will be done by the end of Friday.

I feel that I am making great progress with this project, as so far I am on 20-something pages (albeit they are double sided), so I think I'm doing rather well!

My plans are to finish my logo and get a mascot on the way by the end of this week. This will put me 2 weeks ahead of schedule, which will allow me a lot of time to work on my designs for stickers and badges (I had decided to finish this by the end of week three, but it is currently only day 2.). I want to keep ahead of schedule as much as I can to save money and time later on, for my shirt printing. Just in case something goes wrong with the printers, which it probably will, because it's sods law.
Either way, I'm ready to start work on my logo development on Friday and if I power through it I should get it done!

Tuesday, 4 March 2014

FMP Post

Day 1:

Today I have done:

  • Project Proposal
  • Design Development Cycle
  • Research into 4 artists/companies
  • Print methods for clothing
  • Selling methods
  • Sticker printing research
  • Badge Printing research
  • Business cards research
  • Advertising research
  • Started bibliography
Whew! I feel like I got a nice amount done today. If I keep this up, I'll be on nearly 300 pages by the end of the project!